Our firm

OUR philosophY

Most of our clients come into contact with the firm through other clients or other economic stakeholders who know the firm from having worked with it (notaries, lawyers, bankers, colleagues, etc.).

After an initial telephone contact aimed at specifying the client's needs and sector of activity, we propose an appointment with the partner whose area of expertise is best suited to the specific nature of the case.

During this first meeting, the client is given an engagement letter and the general terms and conditions governing relations with the firm. In addition to the fact that these documents are now imposed by our Institute, they allow us to precisely delimit our scope of intervention and the functioning of the professional relationship.


1990 : creation of the firm by Joëlle Van Hecke and Yves Mottet.

After having practised for two years in the capacity of natural persons, the firm was incorporated as a company in June 1990.

Over the years, various employees have joined the firm to strengthen the team.

2011 : Laurent Cardon, Chartered Accountant and Tax Adviser, employee at the firm since 2004, became a Partner. The firm continues to grow with the arrival of new employees

2017 : Pascal Dechamps, Lawyer and Tax Adviser, joined one of our structures as Partner.

Our Team

  • Joëlle Van Hecke
    • Founding Partner
    • Chartered Accountant
    • Tax Adviser
    • Personal income tax
    • Non-resident income tax
    • VAT
    Languages: French - English - Dutch
    Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in accounting and a postgraduate degree in taxation.

    She began her career in the treasury department of an international company; she then worked as assistant to the chief accountant of a Belgian company and ended her career as an employee with responsibility for the marine accounting of a petrochemical company.

    For 18 years, she held positions within the Institute of Professional Accountants and Tax Advisers, mainly in the area of trainee management.
    She provides training in the form of two lecturing positions and seminars in the field of personal income tax.
  • Yves Mottet
    • Founding Partner
    • Chartered Accountant
    • Tax Adviser
    • Corporate income tax
    • Legal Entities income tax
    • Special missions of Chartered Accountants
    • Financial analysis of companies
    Languages: French - English - Dutch
    Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in accounting and a postgraduate degree in taxation.

    He began his career as an internal accountant in a Belgian SME; he then worked in the public accounting department of an international auditing company and ended up as the head of the accounting department of a vehicle importer.

    He provides training by giving seminars on corporate income tax.

    For many years, he has been the President of a professional association of tax advisers that organises professional training courses.
  • Laurent Cardon
    • Partner
    • Chartered Accountant
    • Tax Adviser
    • Corporate Income Tax
    • Special missions of Chartered Accountants
    • Interim Management missions
    • Auditing missions
    Languages: French - English
    Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in accounting.

    He started his career in an international auditing firm and subsequently held the position of Chief Accountant of a subsidiary of an international company.

    For many years, he has been the Treasurer of a professional association of tax advisers that organises professional training courses.
  • Pascal Dechamps
    • Partner
    • Tax Adviser
    • Personal finance
    • Corporate structuring at tax and legal levels
    • National and international estate planning
    • VAT
    • Tax and legal matters in the broadest sense
    Languages: French - English
    Holder of a Master’s degree in tax law.

    For nearly 35 years, he worked in a firm of chartered accountants and tax advisers, of which he later became a partner.

    In 2017, eager to take up new challenges, he decided to join one of our structures as partner and thus strengthen the firm’s “Tax advice and estate planning” capabilities.
  • Delrue Anne
    • Certified accountant
    • Certified tax advisor
    Languages: French
  • Stéphanie Baudoux
    • Senior accountant
    • Office Manager - organization and planning
    Languages: French
  • Aurélia Delafontaine
    • Senior accountant
    Languages: French
  • Antoine Parent
    • Senior accountant
    Languages: French
  • Liliana Cardoso
    • Reception
    • Secretariat
    • Accounting support
    • Legal formalities
    Languages: French - Portuguese
  • Ana Paula Gama Garcia
    Languages: French - Portugese - Spanish
  • Di Vito Nicolas
    • Accountant
    Languages: French
  • Jacob Valérie
    • Senior accountant
    Languages: French - English
  • Fabri d'Enneilles Thérèse
    • Medior Accountant
    Languages: French
  • Mikael Davletmirzaev
    • Accountant
    Languages: French